NL: Lost Forest heeft een collectie boeken en publicaties over Noord-Amerikaanse Indianen en de Amerika's in het algemeen. Deze collectie omvat ongeveer 600 titels. Al deze boeken zijn te koop en staan hieronder op een lijst die nog steeds wordt aangevuld en aangepast. Kom dus zeker nog eens terug. In tegenstelling tot de andere delen van deze website, betreft het hier dus een veel groter gebied dan alleen de Noordwestkust.
De lijst hieronder telt inmiddels bijna 600 titels. Voor meer info over boeken als bijvoorbeeld aantal pagina's en/of conditie, of sowieso meer info, of deze lijst als PDF: neem contact met ons op via het contactformulier of via de email: Dit geldt ook voor de vermelde prijs.
EN: Lost Forest possesses a collection of books and publications about Native Americans and the Americas in general. This collection comprises about 600 titles. These books are all for sale and are mentioned below on a list that will keep on being extended and adapted. So please come back for another visit. Contrary to the other sections of this website (only in Dutch), here a larger region is concerned then just the Northwest Coast.
The list below now counts about 600 titles. For more info on the number of e.g. pages and/or condition of a book, or whatever more info you want or to receive this list in PDF format: please contact us via the form or send us an email: This also pertains to the prices mentioned.
In de lijst hieronder is bij (bijna) elke publicatie een jaar opgenomen. Dit is zoveel mogelijk het jaar van het exemplaar zelf, en dus niet het jaar van (eerste) verschijnen. Voor wat betreft de genoemde vraagprijzen: neem contact met ons op in geval u hier anders over denkt.
We weten maar al te goed dat verzendkosten ook bijna altijd (minimaal) op € 4 uitkomen. Een 'multibuy' is dan ook zeker interessant, aangezien dit weer op maximaal € 6,95 (via PostNL) of € 5,95 (via DHL) uitkomt (naar een huisadres binnen Nederland).
For (almost) every publication in the list below a year is mentioned. This year refers mostly to the year of publication of the edition at hand, and not the year of first publication. About the asking price: please feel free to contact us if you think otherwise about this.
We only know too well that postage in most cases will amount to a price of € 4 (minimally). A multibuy may be interesting, as this means a maximum of € 6,95 (with PostNL) or € 5,95 (with DHL) in postage fees (within the Netherlands that is).
Van 20 april tot en met 13 juni kunnen helaas geen aankopen worden gedaan in de webshop van Lost Forest, en ook geen boeken besteld van onderstaande lijst. Onze excuses voor dit ongemak.
From 20 April until 13 June it will not be possible to place orders in the Lost Forest webshop, or order books from the list below. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
nr |
author |
title |
subtitle |
publisher |
year |
isbn |
price (excl postage) |
I-432 |
[Various Authors] |
Beautiful Canada |
Coombe Books |
[1987] |
978-0862835156 |
€ 4,00 |
I-070 |
Abbate, Francesco |
Precolumbian Art |
of North America and Mexico |
London: Octopus Books |
1972 |
7064-0030-5 |
€ 5,00 |
I-054 |
Abrams, Terry C. et al. (ed.board) |
Red Ink, Volume 5, Number 2, Spring 1997 |
A Native American Student Publication |
Tucson, Arizona: Red Ink |
1997 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-164 |
Ahrens, Herman C. (ed.) |
The Indian |
Youth Magazine, Volume 19, Number 17, September 22, 1968 |
St. Louis, Mo: United Church Press |
1968 |
x |
€ 3,50 |
I-055 |
Akwesasne Notes |
Akwesasne. A Question of Survival - Nation Rebuilding in the Land of the Mohawks |
Mohwak Nation, Via Rooseveltown, New York: Akwesasne Notes |
1982 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-233 |
Akwesasne Notes (ed.) |
Basic Call to Consciousness |
Summertown, Tennessee: Book Publishing Company |
1991 |
0-913990-23-X |
€ 5,00 |
I-286 |
Alexie, Sherman |
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian |
Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen |
2009 |
978-3-12-578042-2 |
Verkocht |
I-283 |
Allen, Paula Gunn (ed.) |
Spider Woman's Granddaughters |
Tradition Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women |
New York: Fawcett Columbine |
1990 |
0-449-90508-X |
€ 7,50 |
I-029 |
Amado, Jorge |
Tocaia Grande |
Kroniek van een zondige stad |
Houten: Van Holkema & Warendorf |
1984 |
90-269-7131-1 |
€ 5,00 |
I-419 |
Archuleta, Margaret L.; Brenda J. Child and K. Tsianina Lomawaima |
Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Experiences 1879-2000 |
Phoenix, Arizona: Heard Museum |
2000 |
0-934351-62-7 |
€ 10,00 |
I-471 |
Arden, Harvey and Steve Wall |
Travels in a Stone Canoe |
The Return to the Wisdomkeepers |
New York: Simon & Schuster |
1998 |
0-684-80094-2 |
€ 12,50 |
I-185 |
Armbruster, Judith et al. |
They Call Us 'Indians' |
And This is Our Truth! Sweden: The World in Our Hands |
2004 |
91-631-5518-4 |
€ 5,00 |
I-022 |
Ashabranner, Brent |
Morning Star, Black Sun |
The Northern Cheyenne Indians and America's Energy Crisis |
New York: Dodd, Mead & Company |
1982 |
0-396-08045-6 |
€ 5,00 |
I-544 |
Averkieva, Julia; Mark A. Sherman |
Kwakiutl String Figures |
Seattle/London/New York: University of Washington Press/American Museum of Natural History |
1992 |
0-295-97172-X |
€ 15,00 |
I-060 |
Bains, Rae |
Indians of the Eastern Woodlands |
Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Associates |
1985 |
0-8167-0119-9 |
€ 5,00 |
I-361 |
Bains, Rae |
Indians of the West |
Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Associates |
1985 |
0-8167-0135-0 |
€ 5,00 |
I-453 |
Baird, W. David |
The Quapaws |
[Indians of North America Series, Frank W. Porter III (general editor)] |
New York: Chelsea House Publishers |
1989 |
1-55546-728-8 |
Verkocht |
I-255 |
Baker, Theodore |
On the Music of the North American Indians |
Buren: Frits Knuf |
1996 |
x |
€ 10,00 |
I-263 |
Basso, Keith |
The Cibecue Apache |
(Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology) |
New York (etc.): Holt, Rinehart and Winston |
1970 |
x |
Verkocht |
Bw-I-0311 |
Bataille, Gretchen M. and Kathleen Mullen Sands |
American Indian Women - Telling their Lives |
University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London |
1988 |
0-8032-6082-2 |
€ 12,50 |
I-510 |
Bauerle, Phenocia (ed.); Henry Old Coyote and Barney Old Coyote (comp. and transl.) |
The Way of the Warrior |
Stories of the Crow People |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
2004 |
0-8032-6230-2 |
€ 7,50 |
I-002 |
Baylor, Byrd |
YES is better than NO |
Tucson AZ: Treasure Chest Publications |
1991 |
0-918080-53-3 |
€ 5,00 |
I-146 |
Bean, Lowell John and Lisa Bourgeault |
The Cahuilla |
[Indians of North America Series, Frank W. Porter III (general editor)] |
New York: Chelsea House Publishers |
1989 |
1-55546-693-1 |
€ 9,50 |
I-457 |
Bee, Robert L. |
The Yuma |
[Indians of North America Series, Frank W. Porter III (general editor)] |
New York: Chelsea House Publishers |
1989 |
1-55546-737-7 |
Verkocht |
I-160 |
Bell, Frank |
The Snow Eagle |
Helena, Montana/Mesa, Arizona: Western Horizons Books/Sun Dial Press |
1990 |
0-934959-00-5 |
€ 5,00 |
I-322 |
Benedict, Jeff |
Without Reservation |
The Making of America's Most Powerful Indian Tribe and Foxwoods, the World's Largest Casino |
New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers |
2000 |
0-06-019367-0 |
€ 15,00 |
I-287 |
Benson, Arnold L. |
A Count of Many Winters |
1875-1936 |
Scenic, South Dakota: A [JH] Production |
1992 |
x |
€ 10,00 |
I-050 |
Berger, Leon H. (exec.dir.) |
Report and Plan. Navajo & Hopi Indian Relocation Commission |
Flagstaff, Arizona: Navajo and Hopi Relocation Commission |
1981 |
x |
€ 12,50 |
I-295 |
Bernardin, Susan, Melody Graulich, Lisa McFarlane, and Nicole Tonkovich |
Trading Gazes |
Euro-American Women Photographers and Native North Americans, 1880-1940 |
New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press |
2003 |
0-8135-3170-5 |
€ 1,00 |
I-005 |
Bettelyoun, Susan Bordeaux; Josephine Waggoner; Emily Levine (ed.) |
With My Own Eyes |
A Lakota Woman Tells her People's Story |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1999 |
0-8032-6164-0 |
€ 12,50 |
I-096 |
Bettenhaussen, Peter; Ronald Kerkhoven |
Eskimoland. Verleden, heden en toekomst van de Groenlandse Inuit |
Abcoude/Den Haag: Uitgeverij Uniepers/Museon |
1999 |
90-6825-227-5 |
€ 7,50 |
I-517 |
Bierhorst, John |
The Mythology of North America |
New York: Oxford University Press |
2002 |
0-19-514623-9 |
€ 7,50 |
I-326 |
Bierhorst, John (ed.) |
Four Masterworks of American Indian Literature |
Quetzalcoatl/The Ritual of Condolence/Cuceb/The Night Chant |
Tucson/London: The University of Arizona Press |
1995 |
0-8165-0886-0 |
€ 15,00 |
I-346 |
Bierhorst, John (ed.) |
In the Trail of the Wind: American Indian Poems and Ritual Orations |
Farrar/Strauss/Giroux: Sunburst Book/Michael di Capua Books |
1987 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-306 |
Bighorse, Tiana; Bennett, Noël (ed.) |
Bighorse the Warrior |
Tucson/London: The University of Arizona Press |
1990 |
0-8165-1444-5 |
€ 7,50 |
I-392 |
Billard, J.B. (ed.) |
De Indianen |
Bussum: Unieboek BV |
1978 |
90-228-3143-4 |
€ 5,00 |
I-046 |
Biolsi, Thomas |
Organizing the Lakota |
The Political Economy of the New Deal on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations |
Tucson/London: The University of Arizona Press |
1992 |
0-8165-1127-6 |
€ 12,50 |
I-025 |
Blackman, Margaret B. |
During my Time. Florence Edenshaw Davidson. A Haida Woman |
Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press |
1992 |
1-55054-024-6 |
€ 7,50 |
I-227 |
Blish, Helen |
Ethical Conceptions of the Oglala |
Kendall Park, N.J.: Lakota Books |
2003 |
x |
€ 2,50 |
I-113 |
Bloomfield, Leonard; John D. Nichols (eds.) |
The Dog's Children: Anishinaabe Texts Told by Angeline Williams |
Winnipeg, Manitoba: The University of Manitoba Press |
1991 |
0-88755-148-3 |
€ 17,50 |
I-381 |
Blue Cloud, Peter et al. (ed.collective) |
Akwekon #2/3 |
American Journal of Literature and Art |
Rooseveltown, NY: Akwekon/Akwesasne Notes |
1985 |
8756-369x (ISSN) |
€ 5,00 |
Bw-I-0334 |
Bockstoce, J.R. |
Eskimos of Northwest Alaska in the Early Nineteenth Century |
Monograph Series No. 1 |
Pitt Rivers Museum / University of Oxford |
1977 |
x |
€ 12,50 |
Bw-I-0318 |
Boldt, Menno |
Surviving as Indians - The Challenge of Self-Government |
University of Toronto Press |
1993 |
0-8020-7767-6 |
€ 15,00 |
Bw-I-0329 |
Bolhuis, G.W. |
Het moderne Indiaanse verzet |
Kiva Reeks Nummer 7 |
De Kiva, Amsterdam |
1990 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-464 |
Bolton, Jonathan and Claire Wilson |
Joseph Brant: Mohawk Chief |
[North American Indians of Achievement Series] |
Philadelphia: Chelsea House |
1992 |
0-7910-1709-5 |
€ 7,50 |
I-449 |
Bonvillain, Nancy |
The Zuni |
[Indians of North America Series, Frank W. Porter III (general editor)] |
New York: Chelsea House Publishers |
1995 |
0-7910-1689-7 |
€ 9,50 |
I-467 |
Bonvillain, Nancy |
Black Hawk: Sac Rebel |
[North American Indians of Achievement Series] |
New York: Chelsea House Publishers |
1993 |
0-7910-1711-7 |
€ 7,50 |
Bw-I-0315 |
Brandon, William |
Indians |
Volume uit The American Heritage Library |
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston |
1989 |
0-8281-0301-1 |
€ 12,50 |
I-140 |
Brave Bird, Mary; Richard Erdoes |
Ohitika Woman |
New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers |
1994 |
0-06-097583-0 |
€ 5,00 |
I-119 |
Brooks, James F. |
Confounding the Colour Line |
The Indian-Black Experience in North America |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
2002 |
0-8032-6194-2 |
€ 10,00 |
I-385 |
Browes, Pauline |
Canadian Inuit Sculpture |
Ottawa: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada |
1993 |
0-662-19399-7 |
€ 2,00 |
I-079 |
Brown, Dee |
Vrouwen van het Wilde Westen |
Amsterdam: Globe Pockets |
1994 |
90-6265-728-1 |
€ 5,00 |
I-093 |
Brown, Dee |
Begraaf mijn hart bij de bocht van de rivier |
De ondergang van de Indianen in Noord-Amerika |
Amsterdam: Globe Pockets |
1992 |
90-6265-709-5 |
€ 5,00 |
I-548 |
Brown, Dee |
Showdown at Little Bighorn |
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press |
2004 |
0-8032-6218-3 |
Verkocht |
I-232 |
Brown, Joseph Epes |
Animals of the Soul |
Sacred Animals of the Oglala Sioux |
Boston/Shaftesbury/Melbourne: Element Books |
2000 |
1-86204-137-7 |
€ 5,00 |
I-479 |
Brown, Joseph Epes (rec. & ed.) |
The Sacred Pipe |
Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux [The Civilization of the American Indian Series] |
Norman/London: University of Oklahoma Press |
1989 |
0-8061-2`124-6 |
€ 12,50 |
I-069 |
Brown, Mark H. |
The Flight of the Nez Perce |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1982 |
0-8032-6069-5 |
€ 15,00 |
I-206 |
Bruchac, Joseph |
Dawn Land |
Golden, Colorado: Fulcrum Publishing |
1993 |
1-55591-134-X |
€ 7,50 |
I-246 |
Bruchac, Joseph (ed.) |
Returning the Gift |
Poetry and Prose from the First North American Native Writers' Festival |
Tucson: The University of Arizona Press |
1997 |
0-8165-1486-0 |
€ 12,50 |
I-477 |
Bruchac, Joseph (ed.) |
Aniyunwiya / Real Human Beings |
An Anthology of Contemporary Cherokee Prose |
New York: Greenfield Review Press |
1995 |
0-912678-92-5 |
€ 10,00 |
I-253 |
Bryan, Liz |
The Buffalo People |
Prehistoric Archaeology on the Canadian Plains |
Edmonton, Alberta: The University of Alberta Press |
1991 |
0-88864-221-0 |
€ 7,50 |
I-312 |
Bullchild, Percy |
The Sun Came Down |
The History of the World as My Blackfeet Elders Told It |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
2005 |
0-8032-6250-7 |
€ 15,00 |
I-526 |
Bullis, Don |
The Old West Trivia Book |
Baldwin Park, CA: Gem Guides Book Company |
1993 |
0-935182-62-1 |
€ 5,00 |
I-556 |
Burch, Monte |
Making Native American Hunting, Fighting, and Survival Tools |
The Complete Guide to Makig and Using Traditional Tools |
Guilford, CT: The Lyons Press |
2004 |
1-59228-020-X |
Verkocht |
I-095 |
Bureau of Indian Affairs |
The Navajo |
US Department of the Interior/Bureau of Indian Affairs |
1963 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-274 |
Burke, Wallace E. |
He Who Conquers |
The Anasazi Series: Book 1 |
Westminster, CO: WEB Publishing Company |
1994 |
0-9639014-0-0 |
€ 7,50 |
I-382 |
Burland, Cottie |
North American Indian Mythology |
London: Paul Hamlyn Limited |
1965 |
x |
€ 7,50 |
I-391 |
Burnham, Dorothy K. |
To Please the Caribou |
Painted Caribou-Skin Coats Worn by the Naskapi, Montagnais, And Cree Hunters of the Quebec-Labrador Peninsula |
Seattle: University of Washington Press |
1992 |
0-295-97178-9 |
€ 15,00 |
I-149 |
Burns, Louis F. |
Osage Indian Customs and Myths |
Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press |
2005 |
0-8173-5181-7 |
€ 10,00 |
I-413 |
Bushnell, G.H.S. |
The First Americans |
The Pre-Columbian Civilizations (from series: Library of the Early Civilizations) |
London: Thames and Hudson |
1978 |
0-500-29012-1 |
€ 4,00 |
I-252 |
Butler, Ron |
Dancing Alone in Mexico |
From the Border to Baja and Beyond |
Tucson: The University of Arizona Press |
2000 |
0-8165-2023-2 |
€ 7,50 |
I-116 |
Calloway, Colin G. |
The Scratch of a Pen |
1763 and the Transformation of North America |
Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press |
2006 |
978-0-19-533127-1 |
€ 10,00 |
I-165 |
Calloway, Colin G. |
New Directions in American Indian History |
Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press |
1992 |
0-8061-2233-1 |
€ 12,50 |
I-258 |
Calloway, Colin G. |
First Peoples: A Document Survey of American Indian History |
Boston/New York: Bedford/St. Martin's |
1999 |
0-312-15003-2 |
€ 20,00 |
I-411 |
Calloway, Colin G. |
One Vast Wintercount |
The Native American West before Lewis and Clark |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
2003 |
0-8032-6465-8 |
€ 20,00 |
I-473 |
Cameron, Anne |
Dzelarhons: Myths of the Northwest Coast |
Madeira Park: Harbour Publishing |
1987 |
0-920080-89-8 |
€ 10,00 |
Bw-I-0309 |
Cardinal, Harold |
The Unjust Society |
The Tragedy of Canada's Indians |
M.G. Hurtig Ltd, Publishers, Edmonton |
1969 |
x |
€ 12,50 |
I-347 |
Carey, Ken |
Return of the Bird Tribes |
New York, NY: HarperSanFrancisco |
1991 |
0-06-250188-7 |
€ 7,50 |
I-439 |
Carlson, Vada F.; Polingaysi Qoyawayma (Elizabeth Q. White) |
No Turning Back: A Hopi Indian Woman's Struggle to Live in Two Worlds |
Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press |
1996 |
0-8263-0439-7 |
€ 12,50 |
I-325 |
Carlson, Vada; Polingaysi Qoyawayma |
Broken Pattern: Sunlight & Shadows of Hopi History |
Happy Camp, CA: Naturegraph Publishers, Inc. |
1985 |
0-87961-149-9 |
€ 7,50 |
I-522 |
Carocci, Max |
Ritual & Honour |
Warriors of the North American Plains |
London: The British Museum Press |
2011 |
978-0-7141-1542-9 |
Verkocht |
I-154 |
Carter, Cecile Elkins |
Caddo Indians |
Where We Came From |
Norman/London: University of Oklahoma Press |
1995 |
0-8061-2747-3 |
€ 10,00 |
I-121 |
Catlin, George |
Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of North American Indians |
Volume 1 |
New York: Dover Publications Inc. |
1973 |
0-486-22118-0 |
€ 5,00 |
I-191 |
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources |
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources |
Winnipeg, Manitoba: CIER |
[1996] |
x |
€ 2,50 |
I-205 |
Chavers, Black Horse |
September Moons. Haiku in Transition |
Utrecht: DIES - Community for Development History |
1980 |
90-70387-01-8 |
€ 5,00 |
I-500 |
Chief Eagle, Dallas |
Winter Count |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
2003 |
0-8032-6432-1 |
€ 10,00 |
I-261 |
Child, Lydia Maria |
Hobomok and Other Writings on Indians |
New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press |
2001 |
0-8135-1164-X |
€ 7,50 |
I-136 |
Chrystos |
Not Vanishing |
Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers |
1988 |
0-88974-015-1 |
€ 7,50 |
I-317 |
Chuculate, Eddie |
Cheyenne Madonna |
Boston: David R. Godine/Black Sparrow Book |
2010 |
978-1-57423-216-5 |
€ 10,00 |
I-193 |
Claes, Karel |
De Indianen op het spoor |
[]: GP-Uitgaven Averbode/Zonnestraal Vakantie |
1992 |
0778-0222 (ISSN) |
€ 2,50 |
I-486 |
Clare, John D. |
North American Indian Life |
[Early Civilizations Series/Snapping Turtle Guide] |
[]: ticktock Publishing Ltd UK |
2000 |
1-86007-160-0 |
€ 4,00 |
I-051 |
Clark, Ann |
The Slim Butte Raccoon. Paha Zizipela Wiciteglega Kin |
Kendall Park, N.J.: Lakota Books |
1994 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-294 |
Clark, Ann Nolan |
Sun Journey |
A Story of Zuni Pueblo |
Santa Fe, New Mexico: Ancient City Press |
1988 |
0-941270-48-3 |
€ 7,50 |
I-039 |
Clark, Blue |
Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock |
Treaty Rights & Indian Law at the End of the Nineteenth Century |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1999 |
0-8032-6401-1 |
€ 10,00 |
I-230 |
Clark, H. Jackson |
The Owl in Monument Canyon, and other Stories from Indian Country |
Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press |
1995 |
0-87480-439-6 |
€ 12,50 |
I-498 |
Clark, H. Jackson |
Glass Plates & Wagon Ruts |
Images of the Southwest by Lisle Updike and William Pennington |
Niwot, Colorado: University Press of Colorado |
1998 |
0-87081-495-8 |
€ 7,50 |
I-001 |
Clowser, Don C. |
Dakota Indian Treaties |
The Dakota Indians from Nomad to Reservation |
Deadwood S Dak: Don Clowser |
1974 |
x |
€ 7,50 |
I-268 |
Cochran, Mary E. |
Dakota Cross-Bearer |
The Life and World of a Native American Bishop |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
2000 |
0-8032-6445-3 |
€ 12,50 |
I-416 |
Coe, Michael D. |
America's First Civilization: Discovering the Olmec |
(The Smithsonian Library) |
New York: American Heritage Publishing |
1968 |
x |
€ 10,00 |
I-428 |
Coe, Michael; Dean Snow and Elizabeth Benson |
Atlas of Ancient America |
Amsterdam: Time-Life Books |
1996 |
0-7054-0865-5 |
€ 12,50 |
I-297 |
Coffer, William E. (Koi Hosh) |
Phoenix: The Decline and Rebirth of the Indian People |
New York [etc]: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company |
1979 |
0-442-26131-4 |
€ 10,00 |
I-223 |
Cohen, Fay G. |
Treaties on Trial |
The Continuing Controversy over Northwest Indian Fishing Rights |
Seattle/London: University of Washington Press |
1986 |
0-295-96268-2 |
€ 5,00 |
I-229 |
Coltelli, Laura |
Winged Words: American Indian Writers Speak |
(American Indian Lives) |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1992 |
0-8032-6351-1 |
€ 10,00 |
I-260 |
Conley, Robert J. |
The Witch of Goingsnake and Other Stories |
Norman/London: University of Oklahoma Press |
1988 |
0-8061-2353-2 |
Verkocht |
I-117 |
Cook, Samuel R. |
Monacans and Miners |
Native American and Coal Mining Communities in Appalachia |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
2000 |
0-8032-6412-7 |
€ 12,50 |
I-403 |
Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth |
Aurelia |
A Crow Creek Trilogy |
Boulder, Colorado: University Press of Colorado |
2002 |
0-87081-685-3 |
Verkocht |
I-209 |
Cooper, James Fenimore |
De laatste der Mohikanen |
Bussum/Antwerpen: Van Holkema & Warendorf/Standaard Uitgeverij |
1981 |
90-269-7882-0 |
€ 2,50 |
I-062 |
Cotterill, R.S. |
The Southern Plains |
The Story of the Civilized Tribes Before Removal |
Norman/London: University of Oklahoma Press |
1989 |
0-8061-1171-2 |
€ 10,00 |
I-135 |
Council on Interracial Books for Children, The |
Chronicles of American Indian Protest |
Greenwich Conn.: Fawcett Publications Inc. |
1971 |
x |
€ 2,50 |
I-131 |
Crow, John; Martha Crow; Shannon-Jo Knows the Country; Jack Sharp |
1996-97 Indian Country Address Book |
Saint-Cloud, Minnesota: American Indian Communication & Information Company |
1996 |
1-57502-151-X |
€ 2,50 |
I-132 |
Crow, Joseph Medicine |
From the Heart of the Crow Country |
The Crow Indians' Own Stories |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
2000 |
0-8032-8263-X |
€ 7,50 |
I-026 |
Crowe, Keith J. |
A History of the Original Peoples of Northern Canada |
Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press |
1991 |
0-7735-0880-5 |
€ 7,50 |
I-435 |
Crowl, Christine |
White Buffalo Woman |
A Storybook based on Indian Legend. The American Heritage Series |
Chamberlain, SD: Tipi Press |
[1991] |
1-877976-10-5 |
€ 5,00 |
I-239 |
Culin, Stewart |
Games of the North American Indians |
New York: Dover Publications Inc. |
1975 |
0-486-23125-9 |
€ 12,50 |
I-554 |
Culin, Stewart |
Games of the North American Indians: Volume 1: Games of Chance |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1992 |
0-8032-6355-4 |
€ 12,50 |
I-033 |
Cunningham, Keith |
American Indian's Kitchen-Table Stories |
Contemporary Conversations with Cherokee, Sioux, Hopi, Osage, Navajo, Zuni, and Members of Other Nations |
Little Rock: August House Publishers Inc. |
1992 |
0-87483-202-0 |
€ 5,00 |
I-483 |
Cunningham, Keith |
Two Zuni Artists |
A Tale of Art and Mystery |
Jackson: University Press of Mississippi |
1998 |
1-57806-062-1 |
€ 7,50 |
I-503 |
Cushing, Frank Hamilton; Barton Wright (ed.) |
The Mythic World of the Zuni |
As Written by Frank Cushing |
Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press |
1994 |
0-8263-1387-6 |
€ 12,50 |
I-520 |
Davis, William C. |
Frontier Skills |
The Tactics and Weapons that Won the American West [A Salamander Book] |
Guilford, CT: The Lyons Press |
2003 |
1-58574-679-7 |
€ 10,00 |
I-547 |
Deagan, Kathleen and José María Cruxent |
Columbus's Outpost among the Taínos |
Spain and America at La Isabela, 1493-1498 |
New Haven/London: Yale University Press |
2002 |
0-300-09040-4 |
Verkocht |
I-291 |
DeLong, Loretta (ed.) |
Telling the Story |
Stories from the first five years of the National Science Foundation's, Tribal College Rural Systemic Initiative |
Mankato, Minnesota:Minnesota State University |
2006 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-235 |
Deloria Jr., Vine |
American Indian Policy in the Twentieth Century |
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press |
1985 |
0-8061-2424-5 |
€ 7,50 |
I-329 |
Deloria Jr., Vine & Clifford M. Lytle |
The Nations Within |
The Past and Future of American Indian Sovereignty |
Austin: University of Texas Press |
1998 |
0-292-71598-6 |
€ 7,50 |
I-064 |
Deloria, Ella |
Speaking of Indians |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1998 |
0-8032-6614-6 |
€ 5,00 |
I-115 |
Deloria, Ella C.; Julian Rice (ed.) |
Ella Deloria's Iron Hawk |
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press |
1993 |
0-8263-1447-3 |
€ 12,50 |
I-038 |
Deloria, Ella Carla |
Waterlily |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1990 |
0-8032-6579-4 |
€ 7,50 |
I-102 |
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development |
Indians of British Columbia |
Ottawa: Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development |
1969 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-534 |
Disney |
Pocahontas |
Loughborough: Ladybird Books Ltd |
1995 |
0-7214-4497-0 |
€ 5,00 |
I-148 |
Dobins, Henry F. |
The Pima-Maricopa |
[Indians of North America Series, Frank W. Porter III (general editor)] |
New York: Chelsea House Publishers |
1989 |
1-55546-724-5 |
Verkocht |
I-425 |
Doll, S.J. Don and Jim Alinder (eds.) |
Crying for a Vision: A Rosebud Sioux Trilogy 1886-1976 |
New York: Morgan & Morgan |
1976 |
0-87100-104-7 |
€ 15,00 |
I-270 |
Donner, Florinda |
Shabono |
A Visit to a Remote and Magical World in the South American Rainforest |
[New York, NY]: HarperSanFrancisco |
1992 |
0-06-250242-5 |
€ 5,00 |
I-399 |
Dosman, Edgar J. |
Indians: The Urban Dilemma |
[]: McClelland and Stewart Limited |
[ny] |
0-7710-2850-4 |
€ 5,00 |
I-497 |
Downing, Joan and Frances Dyra (eds.) |
Let's Travel in Canada |
[]: Travel Press |
1968 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
Bw-I-0328 |
Downs, James F. |
The Two Worlds of the Washo - An Indian Tribe of California and Nevada |
Case Studies in Anthropology, General Editors George and Louise Spindler, Stanford University |
Holt, Rineheart and Winston, Inc |
1966 |
0-03-056610-X |
€ 5,00 |
I-118 |
Duke, Philip and Gary Matlock |
Points, Pithouses, and Pioneers |
Tracing Durango's Archaeological Past |
Niwot, Colorado: University Press of Colorado |
1999 |
0-87081-519-9 |
€ 5,00 |
I-284 |
Dutton, Bertha P. |
American Indians of the Southwest |
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press |
1983 |
0-8263-0704-3 |
€ 7,50 |
I-192 |
Duuren, D.A.P. van; Hellemons, F. |
Verre Volken. 1. Xingu-Indianen |
Amazones aan de Xingu-rivier, Amazonegebied, Brazilië |
Utrecht/Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Amsterdam Boek |
1978 |
90-274-9552-1 |
€ 2,50 |
I-507 |
DuVal, Kathleen |
The Native Ground |
Indians and Colonists in the Heart of the Continent |
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press |
2006 |
0-8122-1939-2 |
€ 12,50 |
I-166 |
Eagle, D. Chief |
Winter Count |
[Printed by Dentan-Berkeland Printing Co.] |
1967 |
x |
€ 15,00 |
I-133 |
Earling, Debra Magpie |
Perma Red |
A Novel |
New York: BlueHen Books |
2003 |
0-425-19054-4 |
Verkocht |
I-182 |
Eastman, Charles A. |
Indian Boyhood |
New York: Dover Publications Inc. |
1971 |
0-486-22037-0 |
€ 5,00 |
I-348 |
Edmunds, R.David |
American Indian Leaders |
Studies in Diversity |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1980 |
0-8032-6705-3 |
€ 5,00 |
I-353 |
Ellis, Richard N. (ed.) |
The Western American Indian |
Case Studies in Tribal History |
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press |
1972 |
0-8032-5754-6 |
€ 7,50 |
I-217 |
Elsendoorn, Jo |
In het voetspoor van Coyama |
Amsterdam: Van Holkema & Warendorf N.V. |
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x |
€ 4,00 |
I-153 |
Embry, Margaret |
Shádí |
New York: Holiday House, Inc. |
1971 |
0-8234-0186-3 |
€ 5,00 |
I-248 |
Enciso, Jorge |
Designs from Pre-Colombian Mexico |
New York: Dover Publications Inc. |
1971 |
0-486-22794-4 (ISSN) |
€ 7,50 |
Bw-I-0316 |
Engelstad, Diane and John Bird (Eds) |
Nation to Nation - Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Future of Canada |
House of Anansi Press |
1992 |
0-88784-533-9 |
€ 15,00 |
I-542 |
Epstein, Roslyn |
American Indian Needlepoint Designs for Pillows, Belts, Handbags and other Projects |
[Dover Needlework Series] |
New York: Dover Publications Inc. |
1973 |
0-486-22973-4 |
€ 7,50 |
I-276 |
Erdoes, Richard |
The Sun Dance People. The Plains Indians, their past and present |
New York: Alfred A. Knopf |
1972 |
0-394-82316-8 |
€ 15,00 |
Bw-I-0319 |
Erdoes, Richard |
The Sun Dance People - The Plains Indians, their past and present |
Ronald Stacey Limited, London |
1973 |
0-903210-03-7 |
€ 17,50 |
I-318 |
Erdrich, Louise |
The Antilope Wife |
A Novel |
New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers |
1999 |
0-06-093007-1 |
Verkocht |
I-366 |
Erdrich, Louise |
Love Medicine |
(New and Expanded Version) |
New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers |
1993 |
0-06-097554-7 |
Verkocht |
I-201 |
Ervan, Eugène van; Jan Weerdenburg (samenst.) |
Beeld en Verbeelding van Amerika, Deel 2 |
[Utrecht]: Bureau Studium Generale, Universiteit van Utrecht |
1992 |
90-393-0003-8 |
€ 3,50 |
I-357 |
Evers, Larry & Barre Toelken (eds.) |
Native American Oral Traditions: Collaboration & Interpretation |
Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press |
2001 |
0-87421-415-7 |
€ 15,00 |
I-241 |
Ewen, Alexander (ed.); The Native American Council of New York City |
Voice of Indigenous Peoples |
Native People Address the United Nations |
Santa Fe, New Mexico: Clear Light Publishers |
1994 |
0-940666-31-6 |
€ 5,00 |
I-470 |
Fagan, Brian M. |
Ancient North America: The Archaeology of a Continent |
London: Thames and Hudson |
1995 |
0-500-27817-2 |
€ 15,00 |
I-417 |
Fair, Susan W. |
Alaska Native Arts and Crafts |
Alaska Geographic, Quarterly/For members of the Alaska Geographic Society, Volume 12, Number 3/1985 |
Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society |
1985 |
0-88240-206-4 |
€ 7,50 |
I-098 |
Fane, Diana; Ira Jacknis; Lise M. Breen |
Objects of Myth and Memory |
American Indian Art at The Brooklyn Museum |
Brooklyn, New York: The Brooklyn Museum |
1991 |
0-87273-122-7 |
€ 25,00 |
I-402 |
Farb, Peter |
Man's Rise to Civilisation |
As Shown by the Indians of North America from Primeval Times to the Coming of the Industrial State |
London: Paladin/Granada Publishing Ltd |
1971 |
x |
€ 6,00 |
I-452 |
Faulk, Odie B and Laura E. Faulk |
The Modoc |
[Indians of North America Series, Frank W. Porter III (general editor)] |
New York: Chelsea House Publishers |
1988 |
1-55546-716-4 |
Verkocht |
I-502 |
Fawcett, Melissa Jayne |
Medicine Trail |
The Life an Lessons of Gladys Tantaquidgeon |
Tucson: The University of Arizona Press |
2000 |
0-8165-2068-2 |
€ 7,50 |
I-194 |
Fear, Jacqueline |
Een Indianenmeisje |
Houten: Het Wereldvenster |
1986 |
90-293-0641-6 |
€ 2,50 |
I-056 |
Featherman, Edmond |
How The White Crow Became the Black Crow |
Kyle, South Dakota: Bilingual Education Project, Little Wound School |
2012 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-323 |
Fedullo, Mick |
Light of the Feather |
A Teacher's Journey into Native American Classrooms & Culture |
New York etc.: Anchor Book by Doubleday |
1993 |
0-385-47136-X |
€ 7,50 |
I-448 |
Feest, Christian F. |
The Powhatan Tribes |
[Indians of North America Series, Frank W. Porter III (general editor)] |
New York: Chelsea House Publishers |
1989 |
1-55546-726-1 |
Verkocht |
I-027 |
Felsenstein, Frank (ed.) |
English, Trader, Indian Maid |
Representing Gender, Race, and Slavery in the New World |
Baltimore/London: The Johns Hopkins University Press |
1999 |
0-8018-6105-5 |
€ 10,00 |
I-540 |
Fifer, Barbara |
Going Along with Lewis & Clark |
Helena, MT: Farcountry Press |
2000 |
1-56037-151-X |
€ 5,00 |
I-145 |
Fixico, Donald L. |
Urban Indians |
[Indians of North America Series, Frank W. Porter III (general editor)] |
New York: Chelsea House Publishers |
1991 |
1-55546-732-6 |
€ 9,50 |
I-013 |
Fixico, Donald L. (ed.) |
Rethinking American Indian History |
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press |
1997 |
0-8263-1819-3 |
€ 7,50 |
I-199 |
Fleischer, Jane |
Sitting Bull: Warrior of the Sioux |
[]: Troll Associates |
1979 |
0-89375-144-8 |
€ 5,00 |
I-305 |
Fletcher, Alice C. |
A Study of Omaha Indian Music |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1994 |
0-8032-6887-4 |
€ 7,50 |
I-307 |
Fletcher, Alice C. |
Indian Story & Song From North America |
Lincoln/London: University of Nebraska Press |
1995 |
0-8032-6888-2 |
€ 7,50 |
I-047 |
Folsom, Franklin |
America's Ancient Treasures |
Guide to Archaeological Sites and Museums |
New York/Chicago/San Francisco: Rand McNally & Company |
1971 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-331 |
Folsom, Franklin |
Red Power on the Rio Grande |
The Native Revolution of 1680 |
Chicago: Follett Publishing Company |
1973 |
0-695-40374-5 |
€ 7,50 |
I-111 |
Forbes, Jack D. |
Columbus and Other Cannibals |
The Wétiko Disease of Exploitation, Imperialism and Terrorism |
Brooklyn, New York: Autonomedia |
1992 |
0-936756-70-5 |
€ 7,50 |
I-006 |
Forbes, Jack D. (ed.) |
The Indian in America's Past |
Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc. |
1964 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
I-395 |
Forrest, Earle R. |
The Snake Dance Of The Hopi Indians |
New York: Tower Publications, Inc. |
1961 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
Bw-I-0313 |
Francis, Daniel |
The Imaginary Indian - The Image of the Indian In Canadian Culture |
Arsenal Pulp Press, Vancouver, B.C. |
1993 |
0-88978-251-2 |
€ 15,00 |
I-259 |
Francis, Lee |
Native Time |
A Historical Timeline of Native America |
New York: St. Martin's Griffin |
1996 |
0-312-18141-8 |
€ 20,00 |
I-017 |
Francis, Lee; James Bruchac (eds.) |
Reclaiming the Vision |
Past, Present and Future: Native Voices for the Eighth Generation |
[]: Greenfield Review Press |
1996 |
0-87886-140-8 |
€ 5,00 |
I-516 |
Freeman, James A. |
Ishi's Journey from the Center tot the Edge of the World |
Happy Camp, CA: Naturegraph Publishers, Inc. |
1992 |
0-87961-231-2 |
€ 7,50 |
I-211 |
Freuchen, Peter |
Mijn leven onder de Eskimo's |
Amsterdam: NV De Arbeiderspers |
1967 |
x |
€ 5,00 |
Bw-I-0338 |
Frideres, James S. |
Native Peoples in Canada - Contemporary Conflicts |
Fourth Edition, with Lilianne Ernestine Krosenbrink-Gelissen |
Prentice Hall Canada Inc |
1993 |
0-13-012204-1 |
€ 20,00 |
I-504 |
Friedenberg, Daniel M. |
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Land |
The Plunder of Early America |
Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books |
1992 |
0-87975-722-1 |
€ 25,00 |
I-398 |
Fry, Alan |
How a People Die |
A documentary novel about the tragedy of the North American Indians |
Ontario: PaperJacks |
1974 |